Panic attack.

This report examines the SEO tactics used by those businesses ranking for 'Anxiety Attacks'.

Anxiety Attacks

An anxiety attack is also often referred to as a panic attack. It's an abrupt moment of intense fear or anxiety that can overwhelm and become incapacitating. Anxiety attacks are triggered due to a variety, such as trauma, stress, or medical conditions, and can manifest in physical, emotional, or mental symptoms. Mental health professionals should be aware of causes and symptoms of anxiety attacks. Anxiety attacks and their root causes Trauma, stress or medical problems can cause anxiety attacks in any of us. Anxiety attacks are often triggered by stressful life events such as losing a job or financial troubles, as well as relationship problems. An anxiety attack could result from trauma, such as being the victim of or confronting an unavoidable situation. Anxiety attacks can be caused by medical issues like asthma, thyroid problems as well as heart disease and heart disease. Anxiety attacks symptoms Anxiety attacks can manifest in a number of ways. Physical symptoms could include a rapid or irregular heartbeats, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, and shakes. Fear, anxiety, or impending doom may be emotional signs. Some of the symptoms are difficulty in concentrating and avoidance of situations that can induce anxiety. Treatment of anxietyAttacks There are many treatment options that can be used to treat anxiety-related issues. These include therapy, medication and self-care methods. Cognitive-behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a well-known type of therapy, can be extremely beneficial for those suffering from anxiety disorders. CBT concentrates on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behavior patterns that cause anxiety. Certain medications, like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and benzodiazepines, are also effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety. It is possible to control anxiety by using self-care methods including regular exercise, sufficient rest, and relaxation techniques. Mental health professionals must be aware of symptoms and treatment options to treat anxiety attacks so that they can help people suffering from anxiety. Mental health professionals can aid people manage anxiety by providing support and using evidence-based treatments.

anxiety attacks






SEO Road Map - Tuesday December 27, 2022

Anxiety Attacks        #71

Factor ID Factor Name To Be Above Average To Take the Lead
ENT001 Entities in HTML Tag Add 267 more.Add 722 more.
CP164 Leading Variations in H2 Tags Add 4 more.Add 11 more.
ENT000a Number of Entities Used Add 15 more.
ENT018 Entities in Sentences Add 107 more.Add 271 more.
CP156 Leading Variations in H1, H2, and H3 Tags Add 6 more.
ENT013 Has Entities in H2 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP234 Has Meta Twitter Content Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
ENT003 Entities in H2 Tags Add 2 more.Add 6 more.
CP231 Has Meta Twitter Description Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
ENT004 Entities in H3 Tags Add 5 more.Add 17 more.
CP233 Has Meta Twitter Site Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP160 Leading Variations in H1-H6 Tags Add 8 more.
CPXR003 Number of Heading Tags Add 6 more.
CPXR24 Number of P Tags Add 12 more.Add 24 more.
CP309 Has OpenGraph Image Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP492b Unabridged Word Count Add 580 more.Add 1610 more.
CP492 Word Count Add 459 more.Add 1323 more.
CP168 Leading Variations in H3 Tags Add 4 more.
CPXX888 Number of HTML Tags Add 314 more.
ENT008 Entities in Meta Description Tag Add 3 more.Add 8 more.
CP225 Has Meta Description Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP435 Number of Links Add 48 more.
ENT009 Entities in Title Tag Add 2 more.
ENT011 Meta Description Tag Has Entities Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP424 Number of HREF Lang Tags Add 2 more.Add 5 more.
CP468 Number of Sentences Add 17 more.Add 55 more.
CP220 Has HREF Lang Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP425 Number of HTTPS Links Add 51 more.
CPJLD264 Has JSON-LD VideoObject Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP203 Has Apple Touch Icon Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP204 Has Canonical URL Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP438 Number of Meta Keywords Add 8 more.Add 25 more.
CPJLD189 Has JSON-LD Organization Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP230 Has Meta Twitter Cards Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP151a Leading Variations in Meta Description Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP227 Has Meta Keywords Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP483a Exact Match in the Title Tag Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
QS003 Number of Questions Add 10 more.
QS006 Number of Questions In H2 Tags Add 1 more.Add 3 more.
CP481b Word Count in Meta Description Tag Add 5 more.Add 15 more.
CP380 Meta Description Length Add 34 more.Add 102 more.
CPJLD198 Has JSON-LD Person Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
QS004 Number of Questions In Headings Add 3 more.
CP319 Has Schema Markup Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CPXR002 Number of HTML Comments Add 12 more.Add 55 more.
ENT005 Entities in H4 Tags Add 5 more.Add 15 more.
CP364 Is OpenGraph Type Article Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
ENT015 Has Entities in H4 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CPJLD122 Has JSON-LD ImageObject Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
QS008 Number of Questions In H4 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP176 Leading Variations in H4-H6 Tags Add 3 more.
CP172 Leading Variations in H4 Tags Add 3 more.
CP318 Has RSS Link Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CPJLD265 Has JSON-LD WebPage Add 1 more.Add 2 more.

About the Report

The Road Map lists the factors in descending order where the factors at the top have the strongest correlation with rank position in Google and they get incrementally weaker as you go down the list. We recommend that you fix 5-10 deficits at a time then wait 2-12 days to see if there is impact. You can always do more passes later. We want to avoid triggering a "Google Dance" where your page drops out of search for a week or more while Google reprocesses everything. We find that making too many changes at once triggers this. If you do trigger a Google Dance then 9 times out of 10 the correct action to take is to stop and wait. Work on different pages in that case. A Google Dance often results in the same position or better.

Exact Match

This is the search used to create this report.

anxiety attacks


Variations are the words that Google makes bold in desktop search results. Google bolds them to show you how relevant the results are. We measure them because they help make your page relevant for the target keyword.


This means the tag content begins with the keyword match.

<tag>KEYWORD ...</tag>

Making Whole Tags

This means the only content in the tag is the keyword match.



Entities are nouns that Google's AI likely understands. They are found in public databases like Freebase, Wikidata, and Wikipedia. Groups of entities form topics which helps classify documents.

Triple Word LSI

LSI are simply other words that come up naturally when people talk about your target keyword.

Double Word LSI

html lang 3, div class 3

Single Word LSI

path 3, version 3, uid 3, div 3, http 3, title 3, class 3, form 3, there 3, return 3, col 3, con 3, serve 3, body 3, www 3, logo 3, row 3, lang 3, height 3, svg 3, one 3, view 3, page 3, not 3, now 3, org 3, container 3, none 3, web 3, display 3, width 3, reference 3, html 3, group 3, link 3

Keyword Density

#71 www.swedish.orgAvgMax123
Clean Variation Density2.73 %2.964.724.16 %0.00 %4.72 %
Clean Exact Match Density0.00 % %0.00 %0.00 %

Clean Variation Density: Keyword density is the ratio of keywords to word count. In a clean density the following parts of the page are excluded: head tag, comments, scripts, styles, and HTML tags. All variations are used to calculate the match count.

Clean Exact Match Density: Keyword density is the ratio of keywords to word count. In a clean density the following parts of the page are excluded: head tag, comments, scripts, styles, and HTML tags. Only the Exact Match is used to calculate the match count.

Competitive Comparison

Factor ID Factor Name Avg Max #1 #2 #3 0.20
ENT001 Entities in HTML Tag 192 459.00 913 913 4 460 -0.35
CP164 Leading Variations in H2 Tags 0 4.00 10 2 0 10 -0.34
ENT000a Number of Entities Used 28 27.67 42 42 2 39 -0.30
CP213 Has FavIcon 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.29
ENT018 Entities in Sentences 83 189.33 353 213 2 353 -0.28
CP156 Leading Variations in H1, H2, and H3 Tags 19 15.00 24 24 1 20 -0.27
ENT013 Has Entities in H2 Tags 0 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.26
CP234 Has Meta Twitter Content 0 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.25
ENT003 Entities in H2 Tags 0 2.00 5 1 0 5 -0.24
CP213z Has Form 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.24
CP231 Has Meta Twitter Description 0 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.23
ENT004 Entities in H3 Tags 2 7.00 18 18 0 3 -0.22
CP233 Has Meta Twitter Site 0 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.21
CPXR004 Number of H1 Tags 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.21
CP151 Leading Variations in H1 Tags 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.20
CP160 Leading Variations in H1-H6 Tags 25 17.67 32 32 1 20 -0.19
CPXR003 Number of Heading Tags 27 18.33 32 32 1 22 -0.19
CP208 Has Copyright 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.19
CPXR24 Number of P Tags 10 21.67 33 33 1 31 -0.18
CP313 Has Privacy Policy 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.18
ENT014 Has Entities in H3 Tags 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.16
CP309 Has OpenGraph Image 0 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.16
CP418 Number of Forms 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.16
ENT010 Title Tag Has Entities 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.16
CP492b Unabridged Word Count 823 1402.67 2432 1728 48 2432 -0.15
CP492 Word Count 726 1184.33 2048 1468 37 2048 -0.15
CP168 Leading Variations in H3 Tags 18 10.00 21 21 0 9 -0.15
CPXX888 Number of HTML Tags 677 553.00 990 990 36 633 -0.14
CP345 Has Terms of Service 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.13
ENT012 Has Entities in H1 Tags 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.13
ENT008 Entities in Meta Description Tag 0 2.33 7 7 0 0 -0.13
CP225 Has Meta Description 0 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.13
CP435 Number of Links 220 137.67 267 267 0 146 -0.12
ENT009 Entities in Title Tag 3 2.67 4 4 0 4 -0.12
CP484 Leading Variations in Title Tag 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.11
ENT011 Meta Description Tag Has Entities 0 0.33 1 1 0 0 -0.11
CP424 Number of HREF Lang Tags 0 1.33 4 0 0 4 -0.11
CP468 Number of Sentences 28 44.67 82 50 2 82 -0.11
CP220 Has HREF Lang 0 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.10
CP207 Has Contact Page 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.10
CP425 Number of HTTPS Links 217 136.67 267 267 0 143 -0.10
CPJLD264 Has JSON-LD VideoObject 0 0.33 1 1 0 0 -0.10
CP203 Has Apple Touch Icon 0 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.09
CP204 Has Canonical URL 0 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.09
CP438 Number of Meta Keywords 1 9.00 25 25 1 1 -0.08
CP427 Number of Images with Alt Text 12 3.33 7 7 0 3 -0.08
CPJLD189 Has JSON-LD Organization 0 0.33 1 1 0 0 -0.08
ENT002 Entities in H1 Tags 3 1.67 2 2 1 2 -0.08
CP230 Has Meta Twitter Cards 0 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.07
CP310 Has OpenGraph Type 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.07
CP151a Leading Variations in Meta Description Tags 0 0.33 1 1 0 0 -0.07
CP227 Has Meta Keywords 0 0.33 1 1 0 0 -0.06
CP483a Exact Match in the Title Tag 0 0.33 1 1 0 0 -0.04
CP426 Number of Images 14 4.33 9 9 0 4 -0.04
QS003 Number of Questions 24 11.00 33 33 0 0 -0.03
QS012 Headings Has Question 1 0.33 1 1 0 0 -0.02
QS006 Number of Questions In H2 Tags 0 0.67 2 2 0 0 -0.02
CP481b Word Count in Meta Description Tag 0 4.67 14 14 0 0 -0.01
CP224 Has Meta Charset 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.00

Search Results Snapshot

RankDomainPage TitleURL
1webmd.comSymptoms of Panic & Anxiety Attacks
3mayoclinic.orgAnxiety disorders - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
4medicalnewstoday.comAnxiety attack: Symptoms, causes, and complications
5nhsinform.scotHow to deal with panic attacks | NHS inform
6healthline.comPanic Attack vs. Anxiety Attack: What�s the Difference? and panic attacks - Mind
8nhs.ukPanic disorder - NHS
9nimh.nih.govNIMH � Panic Disorder: When Fear Overwhelms - What are Anxiety Disorders?
11hhs.govWhat are the five major types of anxiety disorders? | HHS.gov
12my.clevelandclinic.orgPanic Attacks: Panic Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Symptoms, Causes
13uhs.umich.eduAnxiety Disorders and Panic Attacks | University Health Service attack and panic attack | healthdirect attack - Better Health Channel
16verywellmind.comAnxiety Attack: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Coping
17en.wikipedia.orgPanic attack - Wikipedia
18nami.orgAnxiety Disorders | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness
19med.upenn.eduPanic Disorder (Symptoms) | Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety | Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
20adaa.orgSymptoms | Anxiety and Depression Association of
21hopkinsmedicine.orgHow to Help Someone with Anxiety | Johns Hopkins Medicine
22kidshealth.orgAnxiety (for Teens) - Nemours KidsHealth
23journals.lww.comPanic Attacks in Generalized Anxiety Disorder : The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
24anxiety.orgPanic Attacks And Anxiety Attacks: Panic Disorder Treatment
25seattlechildrens.orgAnxiety Attack
26rainn.orgPanic Attacks | RAINN
27.hse.ieHow to deal with panic attacks - HSE.ie
28mcleanhospital.orgPanic and Anxiety: Do You Know the Difference? | McLean Hospital
29priorygroup.comPanic Attack vs Anxiety Attack | Priory
30talkspace.comPanic Attack vs. Anxiety Attack: Key Differences | Talkspace
31nebraskamed.com5 ways to stop a panic attack | Omaha | Nebraska Medicine
32healthy.kaiserpermanente.orgPanic Attacks and Panic Disorder | Kaiser Permanente
34healthmatch.iois replaced by server-side rendered head tags --> What Is An Anxiety Attack: Is It The Same As A Panic Attack?
35goodrx.comPanic Attacks vs. Anxiety Attacks: 3 Core Differences - GoodRx
36nytimes.comPanic Attacks: Causes, Symptoms and Coping Strategies - The New York Times
37anxietycanada.comUnderstanding Panic Attacks - Anxiety Canada
38rethink.orgWhat are the symptoms of an anxiety?
39mayoclinichealthsystem.org11 tips for coping with an anxiety disorder - Mayo Clinic Health System
40aacap.orgPanic Disorder In Children And Adolescents
41simplypsychology.orgPanic Attack vs. Anxiety Attack: How They Differ - Simply Psychology
42merriam-webster.comAnxiety attack Definition Meaning - Merriam-Webster attacks
44merckmanuals.comPanic Attacks and Panic Disorder - Mental Health Disorders - Merck Manuals Consumer Version
45aafp.orgDiagnosis and Management of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder in Adults | AAFP
46myhealth.alberta.caPanic Attacks: Care Instructions
47dmc.orgWhat Is an Anxiety Attack and How Do You Stop One?
48cnet.comHow to Stop an Anxiety Attack In 2 Steps - CNET
49healthblog.uofmhealth.orgAnxiety Attack vs Panic Attack: Difference Between Anxiety and Panic Attacks
50youtube.comAnxiety Attacks - YouTube
51brighamhealthhub.orgA Guide to Overcoming Panic Disorder
52unicef.orgWhat are panic attacks? | UNICEF Parenting
53medlineplus.govAnxiety: MedlinePlus
54gohealthuc.comAnxiety Attacks vs Panic Attacks | GoHealth Urgent Care
55mentalhelp.netPanic Attacks: A Classic Symptom Of Several Anxiety Disorders
56everydayhealth.comHow to End an Anxiety or Panic Attack | Everyday Health Attacks | Signs and Symptoms | YoungMinds
58camh.caAnxiety Disorders | CAMH
59nyulangone.orgTypes of Anxiety Disorders | NYU Langone Health
60usca.eduPanic Attacks
61verywellhealth.comAnxiety Attack: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
62mountsinai.orgPanic disorder Information | Mount Sinai - New York
64au.reachout.comHow to help a friend who has panic attacks | Anxiety | ReachOut Australia
65bidmc.orgPanic Attack vs. Heart Attack: How to Tell the Difference | BIDMC of Boston | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error disorder - Beyond Blue
71swedish.orgWhat s the difference between anxiety and panic attacks? | Swedish Medical Center Seattle and Issaquah
72psychguides.comAnxiety Disorder Symptoms, Causes and Effects - PsychGuides.com
73cdc.govMental Health Conditions: Depression and Anxiety | Overviews of Diseases/Conditions | Tips From Former Smokers | CDC
74cancer.orgWhat is Anxiety? | Anxiety and Panic Attacks
75forbes.comPanic Attack Symptoms, Causes And Remedies Forbes Health
76highlandspringsclinic.orgDays of Panic Anxiety Attacks | Highland Springs Clinic
77afcurgentcare.comAnxiety Attacks Vs Panic Attacks: How They Differ | American Family Care
78healthonemedicine.comAnxiety Attack vs. Panic Attack: What s the Difference?: Health One Family Medicine: Family Medicine
79aarp.orgThis is What a Panic Attack Feels Like
80anxietycentre.comAnxiety Attack Symptoms - AnxietyCentre.com
81mygbhp.comPanic Attacks | How to Stop Panic Attacks | Conditions We Treat
82springhealth.comWhat It s Like to Live and Work with Anxiety and Panic Attacks - Spring Health
83anxietycoach.comOvercoming Panic Attacks: A Five Step Response attacks
85mercycare.org8 Tips for Coping with Panic Attacks - Mercy Medical Center
86uptodate.comUpToDate | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error
88drweil.comTreatment of Panic Attacks, Panic Disorder - Dr. Weil
89ideas.ted.comThe science behind panic attacks and what you can do to manage them |
90washingtonpost.comTreating panic attacks: Advice from experts - The Washington Post
91self.com15 Physical Symptoms of Anxiety and Panic Attacks | SELF
92emedicinehealth.comWhat Is the Best Medicine for Anxiety and Panic Attacks?
93hbr.orgManaging a Panic Attack at Work
95familydoctor.orgPanic Disorder - Symptoms and Treatment | familydoctor.org
96patient.infoPanic Attacks (Panic Disorder): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment | Patient
98bu.eduPanic Disorder | Center for Anxiety Related Disorders