Panic attack.

This report examines the SEO tactics used by those businesses ranking for 'How To Stop A Panic Attack'.

How To Stop A Panic Attack

Panic attacks can be described as an increase in the fear or discomfort, which can last for a few minutes. These episodes may be accompanied by physical symptoms such as an increase in heart rate and chest pain. Mental symptoms may include racing thoughts and difficulties in concentrating. They are usually debilitating and can have a major impact on someone's health and quality of life. As an expert in mental health, it is crucial to establish strategies to help individuals stop from having a panic attack, and also prevent any future attacks from happening. Here are some tried and tested strategies to stop panic attacks. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is one type of therapy that focuses on the relationship between feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. It can be effective in reducing the frequency and severity of panic attacks. This is by helping people identify and confront negative beliefs and thoughts about panic attacks. It also helps them develop strategies to cope with anxiety. Techniques for relaxation: Techniques such as deep breathing, gradual relaxation of muscles and mindfulness meditation are a great way to lessen panic attacks and help to calm your body's stress response. Exposure therapy involves gradually exposing a person in a controlled, safe environment to things they are scared of or avoid. This can help individuals confront their fears and reduce the severity and frequency of anxiety attacks. Medication: Drugs such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and benzodiazepines could be beneficial in reducing intensity and frequency of panic attacks. To determine the right medication and dosage, it's vital to speak with a health professional. In sum it is possible to identify a number of scientifically-supported methods that mental health professionals could apply to help people stop an anxiety attack and stop any future attacks from occurring. The strategies include CBT and relaxation techniques, as well exposure therapy and medications. It is important that you cooperate with the person to identify the best treatment plan according to their requirements and preferences.







SEO Road Map - Tuesday December 27, 2022

How To Stop A Panic Attack        #34

Factor ID Factor Name To Be Above Average To Take the Lead
ENT000a Number of Entities Used Add 9 more.Add 15 more.
QS005 Number of Questions In H1 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP220 Has HREF Lang Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP424 Number of HREF Lang Tags Add 1 more.Add 4 more.
ENT001 Entities in HTML Tag Add 126 more.Add 362 more.
CP234 Has Meta Twitter Content Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CPJLD264 Has JSON-LD VideoObject Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP203 Has Apple Touch Icon Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
ENT004 Entities in H3 Tags Add 6 more.Add 10 more.
CP483a Exact Match in the Title Tag Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CPXX888 Number of HTML Tags Add 62 more.Add 339 more.
CP231 Has Meta Twitter Description Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP479ii Title Has Sentiment Words Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP479 Title Has Sales Words Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP227 Has Meta Keywords Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CPXR24 Number of P Tags Add 39 more.Add 68 more.
ENT018 Entities in Sentences Add 87 more.Add 218 more.
CP425 Number of HTTPS Links Add 15 more.Add 96 more.
CP435 Number of Links Add 17 more.Add 95 more.
QS003 Number of Questions Add 12 more.Add 20 more.
ENT014 Has Entities in H3 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP163 Exact Match making whole H2 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP168 Leading Variations in H3 Tags Add 12 more.Add 18 more.
CP492 Word Count Add 97 more.Add 1062 more.
CP418 Number of Forms Add 3 more.
CP468 Number of Sentences Add 37 more.Add 91 more.
CP155 Exact Match making whole H1, H2, and H3 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP159 Exact Match making whole H1-H6 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
ENT003 Entities in H2 Tags Add 2 more.Add 7 more.
CP428 Number of Images without Alt Text Add 3 more.Add 5 more.
CP156 Leading Variations in H1, H2, and H3 Tags Add 12 more.Add 17 more.
CPXR002 Number of HTML Comments Add 2 more.Add 6 more.
CP492b Unabridged Word Count Add 17 more.Add 1190 more.
CP451 Number of US Phone Numbers Add 2 more.Add 5 more.
ENT008 Entities in Meta Description Tag Add 3 more.Add 6 more.
CP319 Has Schema Markup Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP160 Leading Variations in H1-H6 Tags Add 12 more.Add 17 more.
CP126a Exact Match in A Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP347 Has US Phone Number Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP134a Exact Match in Body Tag Add 2 more.Add 5 more.
CP427 Number of Images with Alt Text Add 3 more.
CPXR003 Number of Heading Tags Add 12 more.Add 17 more.
CP470a Exact Match in the HTML Tag Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP164 Leading Variations in H2 Tags Add 2 more.
CP426 Number of Images Add 2 more.Add 3 more.
CP412b Has Email Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP412 Number of Email Addresses Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
QS012 Headings Has Question Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
QS004 Number of Questions In Headings Add 2 more.Add 3 more.
CP159a Exact Match in H1-H6 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP150a2 Exact Match in H2 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
QS006 Number of Questions In H2 Tags Add 1 more.Add 3 more.

About the Report

The Road Map lists the factors in descending order where the factors at the top have the strongest correlation with rank position in Google and they get incrementally weaker as you go down the list. We recommend that you fix 5-10 deficits at a time then wait 2-12 days to see if there is impact. You can always do more passes later. We want to avoid triggering a "Google Dance" where your page drops out of search for a week or more while Google reprocesses everything. We find that making too many changes at once triggers this. If you do trigger a Google Dance then 9 times out of 10 the correct action to take is to stop and wait. Work on different pages in that case. A Google Dance often results in the same position or better.

Exact Match

This is the search used to create this report.

how to stop a panic attack


Variations are the words that Google makes bold in desktop search results. Google bolds them to show you how relevant the results are. We measure them because they help make your page relevant for the target keyword.

panic attacks 3, panic-attacks 3, panic attack 3, panic 3, prevent 3, anxiety 3, how 3, stop 3, attacks 3, attack 3, avoid 3, panic disorder 3


This means the tag content begins with the keyword match.

<tag>KEYWORD ...</tag>

Making Whole Tags

This means the only content in the tag is the keyword match.



Entities are nouns that Google's AI likely understands. They are found in public databases like Freebase, Wikidata, and Wikipedia. Groups of entities form topics which helps classify documents.

ice 3, anxious 3, worry 3, feeling 3, panic 3, symptoms 3, anxiety 3, panic disorder 3, exercise 3, caffeine 3, panic attacks 3, stress 3, therapy 3, health 3, panic attack 3, disorder 3, information 3

Triple Word LSI

LSI are simply other words that come up naturally when people talk about your target keyword.

Double Word LSI

editorial policy 3, health conditions 3, button class 3, img src 3, p class 3, to stop 3, li class 3, div style 3, button type 3, heart attack 3, span class 3, svg class 3, html lang 3, div class 3, ul class 3, panic attack 3, doctype html 3

Single Word LSI

these 3, tea 3, exam 3, stop 3, role 3, hand 3, policy 3, editorial 3, eating 3, blood 3, information 3, isi 3, acc 3, gov 3, red 3, rel 3, ite 3, pan 3, ele 3, ade 3, visibility 3, adi 3, http 3, caffeine 3, iva 3, end 3, label 3, better 3, there 3, well 3, age 3, eop 3, focus 3, rid 3, rie 3, block 3, gtm 3, nav 3, aria 3, tne 3, script 3, even 3, other 3, ail 3, top 3, too 3, rights 3, share 3, col 3, arrow 3, body 3, new 3, alt 3, tro 3, condition 3, improve 3, try 3, amp 3, footer 3, cause 3, nga 3, media 3, effective 3, rom 3, ane 3, row 3, lang 3, ngth 3, tto 3, subs 3, let 3, api 3, app 3, margin 3, png 3, each 3, nofollow 3, another 3, por 3, pos 3, attack 3, iframe 3, situation 3, arr 3, ppi 3, ary 3, asc 3, calm 3, feelings 3, through 3, medical 3, source 3, view 3, hal 3, things 3, yourself 3, worry 3, last 3, pro 3, worse 3, name 3, page 3, updated 3, aus 3, xlink 3, next 3, hidden 3, color 3, mood 3, submit 3, button 3, nor 3, not 3, avo 3, lle 3, way 3, manage 3, target 3, what 3, short 3, time 3, pub 3, container 3, fac 3, when 3, tips 3, fal 3, twitter 3, anxious 3, gent 3, item 3, having 3, light 3, style 3, care 3, primary 3, exercise 3, ways 3, low 3, stress 3, display 3, disorder 3, width 3, small 3, fee 3, wrapper 3, used 3, beat 3, day 3, format 3, most 3, effect 3, daily 3, ease 3, part 3, why 3, jpg 3, move 3, therapy 3, clear 3, also 3, say 3, ltr 3, dee 3, uga 3, bar 3, going 3, panic 3, symptoms 3, treatment 3, deal 3, prove 3, icon 3, how 3, see 3, search 3, term 3, mind 3, right 3, possible 3, breathe 3, die 3, dir 3, hold 3, div 3, attacks 3, contact 3, info 3, image 3, anxiety 3, some 3, deep 3, blank 3, foo 3, back 3, title 3, content 3, oad 3, class 3, over 3, breathing 3, false 3, htt 3, und 3, home 3, form 3, avoid 3, https 3, text 3, fear 3, oct 3, fro 3, director 3, ody 3, side 3, may 3, health 3, trigger 3, menu 3, off 3, doctype 3, use 3, sign 3, feel 3, main 3, that 3, www 3, find 3, logo 3, level 3, uth 3, feeling 3, heart 3, noscript 3, true 3, header 3, mental 3, head 3, breath 3, physical 3, make 3, social 3, src 3, control 3, about 3, they 3, height 3, alcohol 3, them 3, symptom 3, cognitive 3, conditions 3, into 3, min 3, oms 3, email 3, though 3, svg 3, one 3, people 3, face 3, open 3, onal 3, ood 3, rapid 3, this 3, know 3, guid 3, syc 3, support 3, doing 3, privacy 3, noreferrer 3, life 3, every 3, org 3, healthy 3, osi 3, none 3, during 3, type 3, mos 3, terms 3, href 3, guide 3, work 3, lose 3, ead 3, eat 3, place 3, event 3, regular 3, include 3, facebook 3, help 3, labelledby 3, site 3, self 3, first 3, span 3, date 3, data 3, own 3, ows 3, space 3, tab 3, should 3, html 3, tag 3, tai 3, ver 3, tar 3, bottom 3, tat 3, person 3, here 3, img 3, line 3, advice 3, link 3, eff 3, follow 3, xli 3, round 3, sweating 3

Keyword Density

#34 www.theguardian.comAvgMax123
Clean Variation Density4.97 %3.545.430.00 %5.19 %5.43 %
Clean Exact Match Density0.00 % %0.03 %0.00 %

Clean Variation Density: Keyword density is the ratio of keywords to word count. In a clean density the following parts of the page are excluded: head tag, comments, scripts, styles, and HTML tags. All variations are used to calculate the match count.

Clean Exact Match Density: Keyword density is the ratio of keywords to word count. In a clean density the following parts of the page are excluded: head tag, comments, scripts, styles, and HTML tags. Only the Exact Match is used to calculate the match count.

Competitive Comparison

Factor ID Factor Name Avg Max #1 #2 #3 0.20
CP233 Has Meta Twitter Site 1 0.67 1 1 1 0 -0.18
ENT000a Number of Entities Used 26 34.67 40 25 40 39 -0.18
CPJLD189 Has JSON-LD Organization 1 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.17
CP484 Leading Variations in Title Tag 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.15
QS005 Number of Questions In H1 Tags 0 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.14
CP230 Has Meta Twitter Cards 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.12
CP220 Has HREF Lang 0 0.33 1 0 1 0 -0.12
CP424 Number of HREF Lang Tags 0 1.00 3 0 3 0 -0.12
ENT001 Entities in HTML Tag 370 496.00 731 208 731 549 -0.11
CP234 Has Meta Twitter Content 0 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.10
ENT010 Title Tag Has Entities 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.10
CPJLD198 Has JSON-LD Person 1 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.09
CPJLD264 Has JSON-LD VideoObject 0 0.33 1 0 1 0 -0.09
CP228 Has Meta Robots 1 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.08
CP225 Has Meta Description 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.07
CP203 Has Apple Touch Icon 0 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.06
CP309 Has OpenGraph Image 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.06
ENT002 Entities in H1 Tags 3 2.00 2 2 2 2 -0.06
CP313 Has Privacy Policy 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.06
ENT004 Entities in H3 Tags 0 6.00 9 5 9 4 -0.06
CP483a Exact Match in the Title Tag 0 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.06
CP478 Title Has Question Words 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.06
CP345 Has Terms of Service 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.06
ENT012 Has Entities in H1 Tags 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.05
CPXX888 Number of HTML Tags 713 775.00 1051 308 1051 966 -0.05
CP438 Number of Meta Keywords 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.04
CP231 Has Meta Twitter Description 0 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.03
CP479 Title Has Sales Words 0 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.03
CP479ii Title Has Sentiment Words 0 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.03
CP227 Has Meta Keywords 0 0.33 1 0 1 0 -0.02
CPXR24 Number of P Tags 29 67.67 96 26 96 81 -0.02
ENT018 Entities in Sentences 135 221.67 352 0 352 313 -0.02
CP425 Number of HTTPS Links 154 169.00 249 56 249 202 -0.02
CP310 Has OpenGraph Type 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.01
CP435 Number of Links 155 171.67 249 64 249 202 -0.01
ENT011 Meta Description Tag Has Entities 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.01
CP151a Leading Variations in Meta Description Tags 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.01
CPJLD122 Has JSON-LD ImageObject 1 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.01
ENT009 Entities in Title Tag 5 2.33 3 3 2 2 -0.01
CP204 Has Canonical URL 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.00
QS003 Number of Questions 3 14.33 22 5 16 22 -0.00

Search Results Snapshot

RankDomainPage TitleURL
1nhsinform.scotHow to deal with panic attacks | NHS inform
2healthline.comPanic Attacks: What They Are, How to Stop, and More
3medicalnewstoday.comHow to stop a panic attack: 13 effective methods
4nebraskamed.com5 ways to stop a panic attack | Omaha | Nebraska Medicine
5webmd.comWays to Stop a Panic Attack
6cchwyo.org13 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack
7mypsychiatrist.commypsychiatrist.com | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error
10verywellhealth.comHow to Stop a Panic Attack
11straighttalkcounseling.org5 Steps to End a Panic Attack
12cnet.comHow to Stop an Anxiety Attack In 2 Steps - CNET
13dmc.orgWhat Is an Anxiety Attack and How Do You Stop One?
14mayoclinic.orgPanic attacks and panic disorder - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic attack - Better Health Channel
16talkspace.comHow to Stop a Panic Attack: 10 Ways � Talkspace
17nhs.ukPanic disorder - NHS is a panic attack? - Mind
19oprahdaily.comHow to Stop a Panic Attack, According to Therapists
20everydayhealth.comHow to End an Anxiety or Panic Attack | Everyday Health To Stop A Panic Attack In Under 3 Minutes | New Vision Psychology
22.hse.ieHow to deal with panic attacks - HSE.ie
23sharecare.comHow to Stop a Panic Attack in 5 Simple Steps - Sharecare | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error
25brighamhealthhub.orgA Guide to Overcoming Panic Disorder
26ibpf.org9 Tips To Help You Get Through A Panic Attack - International Bipolar Foundation
27seattlechildrens.orgPanic Attack
28anxietycentre.com10 Best Ways to Stop Anxiety Attacks - AnxietyCentre.com | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error
30psychcentral.com10 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack
31nimh.nih.govNIMH � Panic Disorder: When Fear Overwhelms
32youtube.comThe FASTEST Way to Stop a Panic Attack - Dr. Berg - YouTube
33betterhelp.comLearn How To Stop A Panic Attack In Its Tracks | BetterHelp
34theguardian.comPanic 101: what to do during a panic attack � and how to prevent them | Panic attacks | The Guardian
35healthshots.comHow to stop panic attacks? Here are 5 ways to deal with it | HealthShots
36anxietycanada.com5 Tips for Dealing with Panic Attacks � The BRAVE Way - Anxiety Canada
37bayviewtherapy.comHow to Stop a Panic Attack By Using Your Five Senses
38ro.coHow to Stop a Panic Attack: 6 Tips | Ro
39pesi.com3 Proven Strategies to Stop Panic in its Tracks
40jubelnaturals.ca5 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack (That Aren t Breathing Exercises) Jubel Naturals
42forbes.comHow To Stop A Panic Attack, According To Mental Health Experts
43verywellmind.comHow Can I Stop a Panic Attack?
44nbcnews.comWhat to do (and carry with you) to cope with a panic attack
45prevention.comHow To Stop A Panic Attack In Its Tracks | Prevention
46healthblog.uofmhealth.orgAnxiety Panic Attacks: Symptoms How To Stop a Panic Attack | Michigan Medicine
47inverse.comHow to stop a panic attack: 5 psychology-backed methods | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error
50manhattancbt.comHow to Stop a Panic Attack - Manhattan Center for CBT
51health.comThings You Can Do to Stop a Panic Attack
53ebbandflowcounseling.comHow to Stop a Panic Attack in its Tracks - Ebb Flow Counseling
54care-clinics.com11 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack
55psychologytoday.com1 Quick Way to Stop a Panic Attack in Its Tracks | Psychology Today
56gundersenhealth.orgWhat to do when you have a panic attack | Gundersen Health System
57thrive.aeHow to Stop a Panic Attack in Its Tracks: 5 New Ways Thrive Wellbeing Centre Attacks | Signs and Symptoms | YoungMinds
59additudemag.comHow to Stop Anxiety and Panic Triggers: Advice for ADHD Adults
60barendspsychology.comHow to stop panic attacks - using the AWARE method to get over panic attacks. to Stop Panic Attacks, According to Therapists
62wikihow.comHow to Stop Panic Attacks (with Pictures) - wikiHow
63priorygroup.comHow to Cope With Panic Attacks at Night | Priory
64nickwignall.comHow to Stop a Panic Attack - Nick Wignall
65declutterthemind.com16 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack Fast and Effectively - Declutter The Mind
66embodiedcounseling.com3 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack in Its Tracks | Embodied Counseling
67mentalhelp.netHow To Stop Panic Attacks And Panic Anxiety
68mdlinx.comAccess to this page has been denied.
69ajc.com7 ways to stop a panic attack
70insider.comHow to Stop a Panic Attack: Symptoms, Treatment, and Best Ways to Cope
71northernillinoisrecovery.comHow to Prevent a Panic Attack | Northern Illinois Recovery
72hbr.orgManaging a Panic Attack at Work
73calmclinic.comThree Tips to Stop Panic Attacks and Anxiety
74hopkinsmedicine.orgPanic Disorder | Johns Hopkins Medicine
75share.upmc.comHow to Calm Down After a Panic Attack | UPMC HealthBeat
76therapyinanutshell.comPanic Attacks (Part 1/3): What s the Difference Between Panic Attacks, Anxiety Attacks, and Panic Disorder? - Therapy in a Nutshell
77happify.com5 Ways to Stop Panic in Its Tracks
78mygbhp.comPanic Attacks | How to Stop Panic Attacks | Conditions We Treat
80happiness.comHow to stop a panic attack: 12 tips on what to do when anxiety hits hard | happiness.com
81aboutsocialanxiety.comHow to Stop a Panic Attack - 7 Tips When You Have Social Anxiety
82casapalmera.comcasapalmera.com | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error
85madisonparkpsych.comPanic Attack NYC | Madison Park Psychological Services
86compassionatecounselingstl.comDealing With a Panic Attack At School: Proven Strategies That Work Compassionate Counseling St. Louis
87myhealth.alberta.caPanic Attacks: Care Instructions
89copebetter.comHow To Survive a Panic Attack Alone
90bebrainfit.comHow to (Really) Stop a Panic Attack: What You Must Know | Be Brain Fit
91guardianrecoverynetwork.comHow to Stop a Panic Attack Without Medication - Guardian Recovery Network - Addiction Treatment Services
92anxietycoach.comOvercoming Panic Attacks: A Five Step Response
93mcleanhospital.orgPanic and Anxiety: Do You Know the Difference? | McLean Hospital
94runnersworld.comHow to Stop a Panic Attack | Panic Attacks While Running
95gohealthuc.comAnxiety Attacks vs Panic Attacks | GoHealth Urgent Care to stop anxiety attacks at night
97domental.comHow to Stop Panic Attacks at Night
98themighty.com10 Unexpected Tricks for Stopping a Panic Attack in Its Tracks